Hard to detect quickly, Stuxnet, a
500-kilobyte computer worm exploded in June 2010 with a unprecedentedly
skillful 3-phased attack. It marks a turning point in geopolitical conflicts,
when the fictitious scenarios once imagined in movies have become finally
plausible. The worm can "exploit flaws in Microsoft Windows to spread on stand-alone systems via USB memory sticks" (Economist). The sophistication of the worm has strengthened expert’s belief that
the creation for such advanced persistent attacks is rendered possible with
sponsorship of nations. Stuxnet is openly acknowledged as a joint U.S-Israel
project that reportedly destroyed a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges by
causing them to spin out of control. (Kelly B Michael;, 2013)
How stuxnet worked (David, 2013)
The issue of ethics and law becomes blurred as it raises the
questions of cyber warfare for defensive purposes. The impact of Stuxnet
resulted in a successful setback of Iran’s nuclear program by 2 years and
forensic evidence cannot definitely link the virus to United states or Israel
which it considers as hostile nations. Responsible nations like United States
must have coordinated with global security governance if they indeed executed
the attack. It would be scary if hackers or people committing cyber crimes would get a handle of the worm since it is so powerful.
FireEye reveals increasing sophistication in attacks
targeting US defense organizations by Iran. FireEye has purpose-built, virtual
machine –based security platform that provides real-time threat protection to
enterprises and governments worldwide against the next generation of cyber-attacks.
Real-time, dynamic threat protection is used to protect organizations across
the primary threat vectors and different phases of the attack life-cycle. (Fireeye,
The Stuxnet had real security clearances that were stolen
exposing the security lapses and loopholes in industry standards and
regulations. Discrimination in just war-theory requires combatants to identify
legitimate targets--terrorism ignores this requirement as it invokes moral
condemnation. The principles of attribution which is not only an issue of moral
and criminal liability, of the attackers and defenders are not clearly defined due
to lack of international agreements.
National cyber policies have to be supported by consistent
and effective principles prior to the use of cyber weapons to determine the
integrity of attacks or counter-attacks.
The processing and transmission of information according to McCumber
Cube model is very critical due to the nature of its sensitivity and impact. (Patrick, et al., 2013) Using the cube model will allow for a better assessment of all of the security risks that need to be considered.
German security expert Langer, who deciphered the stuxnet
attack released a proposal for cyber-security framework called Robust ICS Planning
and Evaluation, or RIPE. The risk-based
NIST led cyber security framework is notorious for the lack of enforcement of
security policies for contractors. NIST cyber security framework lets
organizations determine the direction of their adoption of the framework on the
basis of the implementation tier they are categorized into, which determines
the maturity of the security status. (Kelly, 2013)
An organization can decide the zero category for their
target implementation tier which means a completely immature cybersecurity
process, and still conform to cyber security framework. RIPE details eight
areas of the industrial plant system
that should be documented and measured to determine the security posture: (1)
system population, or software and hardware inventory; (2) network architecture,
including a network model and diagrams; (3) component interaction, or process
flow diagrams; (4) workforce roles and responsibilities; (5) workforce skills
and competence development; (6) procedural guidance and standard operating
procedures; (7)deliberate design and configuration change and (8) system
acquisition or procurement guidelines.
RIPE is a very practical approach with insights from
industrial plant floor operators for better locking down the security
environment. RIPE has the potential to influence NIST cyber security framework
evolvement to its final form. (Kelly, 2013)
Works Cited
David Kushner The real story of stuxnet [Online] //
spectrum.ieer.org. - 2013. -
Fireeye Fireeye reveals advanced threat actvities by
Iranian-linked Ajax security team in post stuxnet era [Online] //
fireeye.com. - 2013. -
Kelly B Michael; The stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear plant was 'Far
more dangerous' than previously thought [Online] //
businessinsider.com. - 2013. -
Kelly Higgins
Jackson Stuxnet Expert propose new
framework of for ICS/SCADA security [Online] // darkreading.com. - 9
4, 2013. -
The meaning of Stuxnet. (2010, October 2). The Economist. Retrieved July 30, 2014, from http://www.economist.com/node/17147862/print
Patrick Lin, Fritz
Allhoff and Neil Rowe C. Computing
ethics [Journal]. - 2013.
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